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LOOS Channel live streaming #2 Anne Wellmer & Johan van Kreij

The Corona Dialogues

anne wellmer (analog electronics = arp 2600, toys, voice)
johan van kreij (digital electronics = )

Anne Wellmer | nonlinear (D/NL) is a composer performer and sound artist based in the Hague.

I draw inspiration from a love for stories and changing skies, a fascination for generative processes and lists, an admiration for conceptual art, experimental music and absurd scenarios. I am interested in performance environments where acoustic and amplified sounds share the same sonic space and fascinated by the fact that electricity lies at the core of all matter.

Johan van Kreij is a sonologist. His practice covers the fields of composing, improvising, making and executing in the field of electronic music. Cooperating with various artists he has been involved in a wide variety of projects in the field of improvised music, music theatre, dance, architecture and installations. 

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