le choix de l’auxiliaire

by Marie Guilleray

The aim of this artistic residency is to support the creation process of the piece « Le choix de l’auxiliaire » which started as a tape piece and is now developing into a live performance.

Starting with a list of verbs taken from the well-known French grammar book the Bescherelle, the piece seeks to question the notion of semantic content and the narrativity that emerges from it. At first glance, this is just a list of words. For someone who understands the French language, it could be that a story slowly unfolds as this list goes on.
As being the same vector for music and for language, the voice always communicates beyond itself. In this piece, the voice is situated at the intersection between sound poetry and music in languages.

By transforming the text with writing processes, by transforming the voice with different electronic processes, and by adding a live voice to the voice on tape, the piece also explores the friction between the semantic dimension of the voice and the voice that is heard for its sonorous and musical qualities.