

Zwerm is an ensemble and event series dedicated to improvisation.

Every full moon, Zwerm invites you to a ritualistic gathering dedicated to reckless, improvised music. The ritual consists of a concert followed by a freeplay session. Inspired by the lunar phases, Zwerm is a performative interpretation of the flight of the starling bird - synchronized but chaotic, constantly changing yet never colliding.

For each edition, we will open with either a performance or a workshop organised by Zwerm. This will be followed by a freeplay session that is open for anyone to sign up for at the entrance, regardless of background. For the session, participants will be spontaneously grouped together to improvise short sets, and continue until the sun rises.

The Zwerm ensemble consists of a dedicated group of artists that aim to build a community around improvised music in The Hague, where experimentation is carried with a mutual initiative. The ensemble has regular meet-ups for challenging one another and collectively explore improvisation. The meet-ups are open to anyone interested.

Zwerm means swarm or flock, and refers to the community behaviour of the Starling bird. The starlings have social families that travel together in flocks. They gather to sing their noisy songs which sound both melodic and mechanical. In flight, the flocks form a tight sphere-like formation, frequently expanding, contracting and changing shape, without hierarchy. Their behaviour and structure is the main inspiration for the community that Zwerm wishes to build.

Zwerm is curated by LOOS member Sól Ey.