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éphémère #56

  • Studio LOOS 20B De Constant Rebecqueplein Den Haag, ZH, 2518 RA Netherlands (map)

Maia Francisco – fixed media piece

Maia Francisco will present a 20min. fixed media piece made of sine waves. The audience should feel free to walk around the space in order to have a full sonic experience.


Maia Francisco studied art and design at Barcelona’s Escola Massana Centre d’Art i Disseny and piano at the city’s Conservatory of Music.

As a student at the Institute of Sonology at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague, she does research on the use of the pure sine waves in music.


Rodrigo Parejo & Kenzo Kusuda – performance

This performance at Ephémère will be the first artistic encounter as a duo, of the spanish flutist and improviser Rodrigo Parejo, and the japanese dancer/choreographer Kenzo Kusuda.

Rodrigo Parejo is a spanish flutist and improviser dedicated to Creative Music, World, Jazz and Improvised music. His versatility and capacity of adaptation has brought him to work broadly in different music worlds.


Holland-based Japanese choreographer/dancer Kenzo Kusuda reveals the poetry of the dancing body. Kusuda takes the audience to a world filled with imagination.


Henry Vega – Emphatic Portraits

Henry Vega will present a solo laptop performance.

Born in New York City (1973), Henry is an active composer and performer of new music whose works appear in productions of theatre, dance and concert music that focus solely on modern artistic trends. His music ranges from virtuosic instrumental writings to subtle colourful compositions orchestrating traditional instrumentations with the world of electronic sound.


February 11

éphémère #55

April 14

éphémère #57